How to Choose Amusement Equipment for Sale to Amusement Parks?

For many people who invest amusement equipment for sale, how to choose amusement equipment, how to operate amusement equipment has become the most troublesome thing. Choosing a good amusement ride will be more attractive to children. So how do you choose these rides? How to operate after the installation?

The selection of amusement equipment for sale mainly refers to the following aspects:

1. Amusement equipment venue

Choose according to the venue occupied by the amusement equipment. In general, there are some large-scale equipment in the park, medium-sized amusement equipment for large squares, and some electric amusement equipment for small squares. For example, roller coaster and pirate ship ride at amusement parks belongs to the large scale amusement equipment, while, bumper cars is a medium size amusement equipment.

2. the situation of investment funds

According to the input situation of the equipment, the medium and large equipment is generally between 70,000 and 100,000, the medium and small equipment is generally 20,000 to 30,000, and the small electric equipment is about 1000-1500 dollars.

3. competition situation

According to whether there are the same or similar amusement equipment in the surrounding area, if there is great competition, try to choose some new amusement equipment. Such as pirate ship ride for sale, human slingshot ride, breakdance amusement rides or tea cup ride for amusement park.

4. types of amusement equipment

Choose according to the type of amusement equipment, try to match the balance, like mechanical, inflatable, electric, and electronic and so on. If you are interested with amusement equipment investment at Philippines, click this link ( to find more options.

After choosing the amusement equipment, how to operate? The main thing to note is the following points.

  •  pay attention to hygiene, keep it clean

In general, parents are taking their children to take amusement equipment. If the garbage in the park is everywhere, the equipment will be messy and there will not be too many people playing, so the hygiene is first.

  • safety is in place

The safety protection of amusement equipment must be done well to prevent accidents from affecting its own operations. Equipment must be inspected and maintained regularly.

  • ticket settings and promotions

The price of the ticket should be set according to the local consumption level, and some activities can be held at the same time, such as VIP card members, recharge rewards, etc.

If you want to open an amusement park, follow the above requirements to know how to choose the amusement equipment and how to play the amusement equipment. Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the equipment when playing the first place, after all, children are safe first.